Monday, August 20, 2007

What did you do over the weekend?

One of the things that I hate about Monday is answering that question which everyone seems to be asking everyone else... What did you do over the weekend? What did you do over the weekend? Most of the times those who have actually had an exciting weekend (in relative terms) end up harassing the other majority who basically just saw 2 days go past!

I’ll tell you what I’ve been doing over the weekend… Nothing!

There should really some note put up that I'm in this state of weekend nothing-ness till the time I announce otherwise. But seriously speaking its not easy to do nothing... As good as impossible!

Well... I cannot do nothing over the weekend because in the process of doing nothing even if I do anything, it amounts to doing something which actually contradicts everything!

And even if I did anything which would sound as if I did something but in reality it was really nothing and that was the everything I did, I wouldn't share that with you because by knowing that there is actually someone who has done nothing would make you happy for something you did which was as good as nothing otherwise.

But what we fail to understand is that this nothing, something, anything are all relative entities whose definition depends on time and space. Today's something can be tomorrow's nothing and a nothing in one place can actually amount to something somewhere else & so on...

You guessed it right... Today I have nothing to do!



Nandita said...

As Meg Ryan said in You've got mail: "All this nothing has meant so much to me then so many somethings"

Gautam Begde said...

Jokes apart
"How was the weekend?":)

GT said...

Well... Usual :)