Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Untitled - Part I

Here's a script for a movie which I'm planning. Here we go…

Before we start off, just for the records, it's a satirical prison comedy. Prison films are always serious drama, violence and depressing etc. This will be different! The filming, picturisation, script and dialogues would have the audience thoroughly entertained.

The story starts with a bomber who is serving life imprisonment in the prison. He has been in prison for a long time. He knows his way around. He enjoys a regal status due to his persona, his achievements etc.

A new convict is brought to the prison. He’s been sentenced to life imprisonment for poaching. He’s the first one to be dealt with under the new wildlife protection act. He unexpectedly lands up in the prison, or so he thinks. He's a body builder by profession and poaching is just one of the activities which he tends to involve in when no ones looking. He's unwilling to accept his fate and has a very I-care-a-damn attitude. He pokes fun at other inmates and considers himself to be a wise crack. He also picks fights with other inmates.

So what follows is a story of these two inmates.

These two are, quite obviously, very soft at heart, fine human beings, victims of circumstances and all that crap. They develop a great camaraderie owing to constant interaction for some reason or the other.

The poacher being a body builder wants to do some work in prison which will suit his capabilities. He requests the warden for gym equipment out of govt funds. The warden declines but suggests that he can try writing to his influential friends to help him with setting up the gym. His friends ignore him for a while but eventually contribute graciously towards the gym with old instruments, machines, tread mills, dumbbells and such other stuff. The warden allots them space for the gym in return for money and a few other favors with the help of the influential friends and underworld contacts. The poacher agrees to this since he would otherwise have undergone a nervous breakdown in jail.

The poacher teaches the bomber a lot of things like tricks to build up his physique including use of steroids, painting etc. The bomber too teaches him a few things like wood work, medical knowledge, principles of Gandhi etc. The two of them fall in love and vow to be there for each other forever. They dream of being together in the in some Central American country where they can not only get drugs at rock bottom prices but also have a lot of game for hunting!

Dream sequences in Alcatraz, Tihar jail, Arthur Road etc follow and they forget that they’re prisoners. Life in prison for them is like an extended camping trip inclusive of all the leg pulling, fun filled days and a promise of eternal love!



Nandita said... make a script and plot for the Trivandrum DC Filmy Chakkar....

GT said...

you're the creative one! get working on the script... :)