Tuesday, August 14, 2007


In office it's not rare to come across cubicles which are filled with family photos. Some of these pics are quite personal as well. All the hugging and cuddling. Wearing same coloured t-shirts on honeymoons, rowing a boat which can capsize any moment while you are trying to hold the oars in one hand, your wife in the other! I've never quite got the thought process that goes behind this kind of photo posting.

Is this the best way of making people uncomfortable and leave quickly when they're in your cubicle? Why not use the traditional way of just being rude!

If that isn't the reason then surely it's some kind of constant reminder that you have a family else who knows it might slip off your mind during work hours. So in a way it prevents you from doing something which... well you shouldn't be doing!

Recently I heard about a certain someone having posted her honeymoon pics on her Orkut profile. Someone else had posted "posed" couple pics on Orkut after his engagement. I don't know what to say... What a sad attempt to show that you're in love!! Yawn... Do they really think anyone cares! Such snaps are nothing more than the butt of every joke during reunions and phone calls.

There is only one thing that can be worse than seeing these special moments frozen on the 4x6 glossy paper - having to see these things... Live!

I feel like screaming out, "Please for heaven's sake... Leave the schmoopy-schmoochy, pinkoo-dinkoo and all the completely non-sensical baby-talk and this erotic show of caressing, kissing, touching, fiddling in your bloody bedroom. Don't behave as if you're Adam and Eve and there is no one around to see this freak show other than the trees in paradise!!"

Is this some testament to the fact that you're a happy couple?

I'm not a moral police. I don't have any complaints against those sitting on the Bandra BandStand under umbrellas and doing what pleases them. That's like a nationally recognized adda for doing stuff you can't do in your home because of whatever reasons. People know what to expect at such places. They have been fore-warned. But if they still pay no heed to the warning and end up witnessing such things then it's their fault. That case is significantly different from the one I'm focusing on.

It's those who are in this "excited" state all the time and choose to misbehave in public. They cause considerable mental anguish to innocent by-standers, at least expected places like restaurants, coffee shops, lectures, office, phone booths, public transports etc.

I sincerely believe that these miscreants should be recommended to psychiatric help. With the advance in modern medicine such abnormalities are curable. But till that happens I got just two words for them... "Getta room!"


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