Sunday, August 19, 2007

Nuke, I am your Father!

New Terms in Diction: Nuke, I am your Father!

Meaning: A proposition/deal which in the short term seems like a lucrative, profitable, alluring, fantastic venture, in the long term is an over-bearing, forceful, dominating, big-brotherly behavior which you’ll be subjected to. Though it seems like you’re being hailed as an equal it merely means you’ve got a NEW Daddy, which by any stretch of imagination is never a good thing!

Usage: LN Mittal announces to Arcelor employees, "We'll be aligning synergies and ensuring a bright and secure future together. Nuke, I am your Father!"

Source: News on the Loose (A News Parody Programme), CNBC-TV18

Picturisation: From here starts my original composition... I picturised George Bush in the Darth Vader suit fighting Manmohan Singh with lightsabers on a nuclear reactor thing or something. It is quite fitting that Bush carries on his tradition of adding new terms to the diction and adds this killer line. I'm not sure whether to classify this as a Bush-ism since it's not actually dumb! On this revelation, Singh actually starts dancing hysterically and hugs the Darth Vader. He's so thrilled and engrossed with the celebration that his own lightsaber chops off his LEFT hand!

For the uninitiated: For those who haven't seen Star Wars and don't know what the hell was this post about then here's the wiki to the Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. And this is how the original sequence went...

...Vader and Luke's fierce lightsaber duel brings them to a narrow platform above the city's central air shaft. After gaining the advantage, Vader cuts off Luke's dueling hand along with his lightsaber. With Luke cornered and defenseless, Vader informs Luke that he does not yet know the truth about his father. Luke claims that Vader killed him.

Vader answers: “Luke, I am your father.”

Luke screams in denial. Vader tries to persuade Luke to join him, embrace the Dark Side of the Force. Luke refuses, lets go, and falls off the platform into the abyss, signifying that he would rather die than join him...


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