Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Identity Crisis

An average human being is a composite set of infinite alphanumeric values, which are so important that amendment or deletion of any one of them can lead to severe, traumatic and rather catastrophic consequences.

The importance of these values or pseudo-self cannot be understood, like most good things, till they’re lost or have got involved in some unimaginable hassle!

I’m not talking crap.

I somehow convinced myself to overcome the inertia and the switching cost when I decided to ditch Hutch and join the Airtel bandwagon. Though better rates were offered for a considerable period of time I just didn’t want to disturb the setup! But anyways… that’s history now!

I was associated with four different mobile identities in the space of two days.

1) I gave up my original one willingly.
2) I chose another one from the list of numbers shown to me.
3) I was assigned a third one. I wonder why I was made to choose one in the first place!
4) A fourth one was activated on my SIM card only to be told that there had been an error. It was supposed to be activated on a SIM held by some Karnik.

So I was put back on to the third one which I’m holding currently in hope that it won’t change. I also have a rather hostile group of friends who had to edit their phone books twice in two days. I don’t blame them!

I think the number of people that actually care what your name is, are out-numbered by those who can name you by a number by about a million to one.

So if one fine day a number associated with you suddenly disappears, then you wouldn’t exist for a significant number of people. Now depending on the importance associated with the number, thou shalt suffer! Imagine 'disappearing' from banks, credit cards, PAN, passports etc…

I was again at the receiving end a few months back when my passport expired and they had me go thorough a lot of antics just to get it renewed even though everything was crystal clear.
I didn't even have amnesia due to a bullet wound, a la Jason Bourne...

We can't identify who we really are if not for all this, in a way, utterly senseless documentation!

It’s obvious how Robert Ludlum got the idea for Bourne Identity... he must've have been through one of these bureaucratic cycles to get some ID!



Ninad Kulkarni said...

really.... u dont say ....
btw... something that i noticed though u dont put ur identity on the blog... u can be identified by ur signature "Cheers!"
the lucky ones who get ur emails wud notice ;)

GT said...

Well... Lets just say this is a by invitation blog though I havent set it that way.

So I dont think I need to write about myself for people who know me. As for the rest who read my blog,(which I doubt) couldnt care less who I am!

And as you know I'm a private person and would rather prefer to be unknown or an enigma rather than famous and popular.

I think I'll blog about privacy issues some day. :)

I have made other ground rules for myself as far as the blog is concerned. I'm sure some one like you will be able to pick them up over a period of time.

As always...