Friday, July 20, 2007

For the Love of the Book!

I was thinking whether I should post this on my other blog but on second thoughts I decided to preserve the other blog for it’s main purpose.

I am really glad Harry Potter happened. The Potter series isn’t the first set of multiple books which created an entire fantasy world or which introduced new words in the English diction. It isn’t the all time great piece of literature either but it did something which many greats would’ve failed to do.

It made reading fashionable!

For quite a few years now various surveys and reports have indicated that 'readership' had been plummeting. Clearly a worrying sign. Having reading as your #1 hobby raised eyebrows. It was one of the two cases… either you were labeled a book-worm, geek, nerd etc with little or no interest in the 'in-things', someone with glasses looking like a schmuck or… well there was no or!

The kind of books which were being written catered to an audience which had matured by reading books or classics. There was a dearth of some fresh books specifically for the ages which are the make-or-break years as far as the reading habit is concerned. And that is the reader class I'm refering to here. Books and characters that grow with the reader was the necessary elixir. The classics were there but they were falling short in competing for an average young reader's time against cartoons, video games, sports, homework etc.

Just like not knowing the lyrics of the latest hit number or about the latest joints in the city or about movies, actors, sports or such other cult activities made you an outcast, now if you don’t know what spell is to be used when Demeantors attack then you’re un-cool.

I have seen my school going cousin discussing books, plots and stories with his friends and that is the Harry Potter effect! Now it's no longer just about those 7 books.

The tide has quite clearly turned. Never before have books been read to 'fit in'. This is a major revolution for which we should be thankful to Potter and Rowling. Though it may just peer pressure to start with, reading habits have once again started becoming a part of life at a stage at which the mind is most impressionable. Hence those readers are going to sustain it throughout their life, with passion and without obligation than someone who hasn’t read much till a later stage in life.

Also, just for the fact that the larger picture of creating more readers and a much more well-read matured, sensible public in the future is being accomplished I have no issues with the media hype, advertising revenues, commercialisation etc.

It's the night before Potter's last book hits the stands... I'm gonna have the most peaceful sleep just thinking that there are thousands lining up outside book stores across the world!

You wont understand the feeling unless you're a book lover!



Nandita said...

I finally succumbed to Potter Mania...and bought book 1...when 7 yr olds were buying book at least i know the series is concluded..I can now start reading it peacefully... :-D

GT said...

You're not alone. :)

I was thrilled at Potter-Mania though I didn't succumb to it myself.

I've borrowed book 1 from my cousin a few days back and just starting off.
