Monday, December 24, 2007

Bulk Purchase

In a Pani-Puri manufacturing facility which also had a retail outlet.

Lady: What is the cost of Pani Puris?
Seller: $5 per bag of 50 Puris.
Lady: What if I buy in bulk?
Seller: The rate stays the same.
Lady: What if I buy 100 Puris.
Seller: We'll give you two bags.
Lady: I'll need to make a call in that case.

This may be a "you-have-to-be-there-to-understand" type of humour. So some of you wont find this that amusing.

Those who were fortunate enough to witness this incident were in splits with the stone faced reply the seller gave to the 100-Puri query. First of all 100 is not bulk for someone whose a manufacturer-retailer. But the effectiveness of the answer could be seen at the way the woman was stunned at that reply.

And I'm not sure why she had to tell the seller that she had to make a call. I understand she wanted some sort of a "go-ahead" from someone who had asked her to get the Puris, if they were above a certain limit. But she made it sound like a threat! Something like... Now you're going to be in trouble!!

Our purchase was done and had to leave the scene, but I would've loved to see the end of this conversation!


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